Engineering and manufacturing of sleeve wrapping machines for products of very big sizes.
Engineering and manufacturing of sleeve wrapping machines for products of big sizes / very big sizes
Since 1974, FARBAL is specialized in the engineering and manufacturing of sleeve wrapping machines for products of big sizes / very big sizes.
Partner of industrial projects in many business fields (buildings, furniture, beddings, insulation products, signage, automotive, steel, wood,…), FARBAL offers adapted solutions to specific needs («turn-key projects») with optimistic costs. Our goal is to bring quality and to improve the productivity with easy implementation. Our automatic machines are characterized by different technical criteria acoording to the specification need of our customers-partners.
FARBAL insures also the erection of the machine, the education of the on-site team together with a maintenance service in order to ensure the quality of the packaging in long term.
FARBAL, the Intelligence in the sleeve-wrapping!
Jerome Galpin
5 ter, rue A. Fleming - Z.I. - BP 1301
41013 BLOIS Cedex