Production and development of mechanical components
Cost-effective and low-weight modular kit for delta robots
Consisting of 3 pre-assembled drylin® ZLW toothed-belt axes with NEMA stepper motors and encoders, igubal® double joints and the appropriate adapter plates, the drylin® delta robot can be assembled quickly and easily. Thanks to the lightweight design consisting of aluminium and plastic, the system achieves a pick rate of 60/min in an installation space of up to ø 380 mm. The entire kinematics can be supplied ready-to-install in a transport frame or as a kit. The delta robot is a cost-effective alternative to usual delta kinematics. No additional lubricant is necessary and therefore very little maintenance required. It can be used in pick-and-place tasks, such as belt transfer stations, sorting systems, sssembly systems, joining processes, the handling of small parts and in general for fast positioning tasks.
Nathalie REUTER
49 allée des Pépinières - Parc Médicis
94260 Fresnes